Need Coffee? #SolveiT!

Some are aware that I am a certified coffee nerd. Seriously. At one point in my teaching career I even taught an entire cross-curricular unit all about coffee- it’s history, culture, agriculture, geography, processing, roasting, brewing and economics. I literally roast my own coffee! I also wrote about my growth in understanding the complexity of coffee and parallel to teaching in the forward to Mari Venturino’s book, Fueled by Coffee and Love: The Refill. To say that I enjoy coffee would be a bit of an understatement. For a very limited time, I would love to share my love of coffee with you. What better pairing with real-world problem solving than fresh roasted coffee? Literally caffeinate your creativity!

Here’s how it works: every month I will add to the page a limited supply of what I’m roasting for sale and if you purchase, your fresh roasted whole bean coffee will be sent to you with a small note of thanks. No joke.

Order your own specialty single-origin coffee here.

fresh roasted coffee
Fresh roasted Yirgacheffe

2 thoughts on “Need Coffee? #SolveiT!

  1. My husband is particular with his coffee too and lives for coffee each day. He has a Breville with a coffee grinder and during pandemic regulations he can no longer pick his own at the local store but instead has to take what’s there. It’s been an emotional struggle 🙂

    1. Yes, not having full agency in coffee selection is a frustrating thing! I would love to dialogue anytime about coffee, real-world problem solving, education, or whatever at

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